The Universal ‘s Guide to DJS Preliminary Examination is a comprehensive reference book for DJS aspirants. It has dedicated sections on 12 key subjects forming part of Delhi Judicial Services (Preliminary) Examinations. It also includes DJS (Pre) Examination papers of previous years with answer keys and explanations. It is a must have for all the DJS aspirants.
Key Features:
- Provides for previous year question papers of Delhi Judicial Service (Preliminary) Examination.
- Provides for model test papers based on the recent amendments and developments for practice of the students.
- The question paper is provided with comprehensive answer key and reasoning.
- Comprehensive coverage of questions on all major landmark judgments.
- Legal GK has been updated basis the recent legislative, judicial or legal developments that has taken place post the publication of last edition.
Details :
- Publisher : Lexis Nexis
- Author : Vinay Kumar Gupta
- Edition : 11th Edition July 2020
- ISBN-13 : 9789389991222
- ISBN-10 : 9789389991222
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback