This book has been specially designed for the students appearing in CA (Final) Examination of ICAI. It has been written in accordance with the Syllabus prescribed by ICAI for Paper 4: Corporate and Economic Laws (New Syllabus).
- All such topics / sections as have been excluded vide ICAI’s Announcements dated 24th June 2019, 22nd July 2019, 15th July 2020 and 5th June, 2021 have been eliminated from the Book.
- The simplified language used in this Book would make the study simple and interesting.
- Incorporates numerous amendments made in the Companies Act, 2013, Securities Laws and Economic Laws.
- The amendments and changes incorporated in the latest Study Material issued by ICAI have also been incorporated in this Book.
- Amendments made by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 and notified till 30th April, 2021 have been incorporated in this Edition.
- Most of the Topics in this Book have been presented in the form of flowcharts and time-charts.
- Tabular and Graphic presentation, point-wise discussion, use of headings and simplified language would facilitate easy understanding and learning.
- The ‘headings’, ‘sub-headings’, ‘time limits’ and ‘important keywords’ have been highlighted by using the red colour, which would facilitate quick reading, better understanding and quick revision.
- The Book has been abridged by eliminating the Practical Problems asked in Past Exams.
- To make the Book simple and concise, various topics have been briefly given, including only points rather than detailed discussion, and some topics which are not important from examination point of view have been eliminated.
- The Book includes a ‘Trend’ showing distribution of marks in Past 10 CA (Final) Examinations.
- Incorporates the Question Paper of January, 2021 and July, 2020 CA (Final) Examinations (New Syllabus).
- This Handbook has been designed only for revision purpose. For detailed study and comprehensive coverage of the subject, Practical Problems, Case Laws and Case Studies, the students may refer to Bestword’s A Textbook on Corporate and Economic Laws by CA CS Munish Bhandari.
This Edition includes all the relevant Amendments, Rules, Regulations, Notifications and Circulars relevant for November, 2021 Exams (New Syllabus)
Details :
- Publisher : Bestword Publication Pvt. Ltd.
- Author : CA CS Munish Bhandari
- Edition : 29th Edition July 2021
- ISBN-13 : 9789385075155
- ISBN-10 : 9789385075155
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback