This book is the most authentic & comprehensive book covering amended, updated & annotated text of the Companies Act 2013 in a small & handy format. It is amended by the Companies (Amdt.) Act 2020 & Tribunals Reforms Act 2021
What sets it apart is the presentation of the Companies Act with corresponding Rules, Circulars & Notifications, etc. In other words, the Annotation under each Section shows:
- Reference to Relevant Rules framed under the relevant Section
- Reference to relevant Forms prescribed
- Exemptions available to Private Companies, Government Companies, Nidhis, Charitable Companies, Unlisted Public Company, Private Companies operating from IFSCs located in SEZ
- Date of enforcement of provisions
- Corresponding provisions under the 1956 Act
- Allied Laws referred to in the provision
- Reference to Relevant provisions of SEBI Rules/SS-1 to SS-4/Listing Obligations/Table F of Schedule I
The Present Publication is the 7th Edition, authored by Taxmann’s Editorial Board, updated till 10th December 2021, with the following noteworthy features:
- [Taxmann’s Series of Bestseller Compact Books] on Companies Act
- [Follows the Six-Sigma Approach] to achieve the benchmark of ‘zero error’
The contents of the book are as follows:
- Companies Act, 2013
- Arrangement of Sections
- Annotated text of the Companies Act, 2013 as amended by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 and Tribunal Reforms Act, 2021
- Appendix I: Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020
- Guide to Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020
- Amendments made by Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 at a Glance
- Guide/Short Commentary on the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020
- EDITION – 7th Edition