Cannabis Indica: Perception vs Potential is a meticulous exposition on the historical and legal status of the Cannabis plant within the territory of India. The narrative traces the journey that the plant has traversed in the statute books and policies starting from the 1600s till date. The book also examines the use of Cannabis in India and other jurisdictions from the social, cultural, spiritual, and medicinal & scientific perspectives. The detailed analysis of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 provides insights on the criminalization of the use of the Cannabis plant. The discussion in the book offers several arguments, based on extensive research and documented academic works, on legalization of the use of Cannabis plant such that the benefits offered by the plant can be fully realised in a regulated environment. The book is addressed to lawyers, judges, policy-makers, and those interested in the subject.
About Author
Dr Khagesh Gautam is currently an associate professor of law at the Jindal Global Law School, OP Jindal Global University, where he teaches constitutional law, criminal procedure, and evidence, and has taught indirect taxation, forensic evidence, and interpretation of statutes. Dr Gautam has published several law-review articles and book chapters in India and internationally.
Details :
- Publisher : Oakbridge Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
- Author : Dr. Khagesh Gautam
- Edition : 1st Edition 2022
- ISBN-13 : 9789391032845
- ISBN-10 : 9789391032845
- Binding : Paperback
- Language : English