A Compendium of Issues on Income Tax is a compilation of the queries received over several years regarding complex tax matters from professionals throughout the country. The replies to these queries have been given as per the latest applicable law.
• The law stated in this book is as amended by the Finance Act, 2021 and the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Act, 2021. Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated and it is, therefore, the latest and most update book on the subject. The queries regarding the new provisions for taxation of individuals under the New Tax Regime, the newly introduced Faceless Assessment Scheme and the Faceless Appeals Scheme have also been incorporated. The new provisions relating to TDS and TCS have also been discussed in detail.
• All the queries have been arranged in a logical sequence and the replies contain all important judicial pronouncements as well as the rules, circulars, notifications, etc., which are issued by the Department from time to time. The replies to the queries have taken into account the latest important case laws as well as the Departmental instructions issued upto October, 2021.
• To facilitate easy reference, a consolidated list of the topicwise queries referred to in the book has been provided.
• The book will be found useful by chartered accountants, company secretaries, advocates, tax consultants, income-tax practitioners, officials of the revenue department, corporate tax executives and by everyone dealing with direct taxes.
Details :
- Publisher : Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Author : Dr Girish Ahuja & Dr Ravi Gupta
- Edition : 12th Edition October 2021
- ISBN-13 : 9789391005764
- ISBN-10 : 9789391005764
- Binding : Hardbound
- Language : English